... and going on.
Mail-Art exhibition

Opening Sunady 176h Match 2025 _ 1 to 6pm
Duration 4th May 2025

dr.julius art projects
Leberstr. 60 · D—10829 Berlin  

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Because I`m interested in sharing a meaningful approach of my work with the public I set up an installation at my Studio and I'm hosting private visits.
I'll be pleased to welcome you and show you my latest available works and new projects.

Appointments and inquires at hello@carlabertone.com



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Open Studios Alte Feuerwache Wedding
Saturday 19th October 14 to 18 hrs.
Stockholmer Str 4, 13359 Berlin 

Carla Bertone 2nd floor Room 202

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The Dream Society
Exhibition, practices and activities related to the topics of sleep and dreaming

Opening Friday 17th May 2024
Duration 18th May - 26th May 2024

Reuterstr. 31, 12047 Berlin

Opening Event // Once Upon a Dream Friday 17th May 7 - 9 pm
Reading performance with Alicia Morán,  Rosario Diaz Roigt and  Afonso Matos.

Works by 
Carla Bertone, Eli Cornejo, Kalma, Emilia Kubacki, Zinu Kim, Aida Lalua, Luz Peuscovich

Activations by
Alicia Morán,  Rosario Diaz Roigt,  Afonso Matos, Lea Kiefer, Azahara Gomez, Carina Goepfert, Carla Ortiz Rocha, Rocio Marano, Silan Derin.

Enkoimesis I & II
Collective Dreaming Incubation Ritual, Closed group guided by Eli Cornejo

Concept and curation by Eli Cornejo & Carla Bertone

The Dream Society

Since ancient times, Dreams have occupied a prominent place in many different cultures and traditions: they linked the mortal and divine realms, healed the sick, predicted the future and were important sources of spiritual or divine messages that could reveal the structure of the cosmos.
In contemporary society the role of dreaming has shifted to almost none or just a little importance, however every single person can recall at least once in their life a remarkable dream experience: nightmares, recurrent dreams, encounters with the deceased, lucid dreams, premonitory dreams, etc.

According to studies, we spend one third of our lives asleep, and although science could not yet completely explain why we sleep and why we dream, it is known that sleeping and dreaming is crucial for our health, physiological restoration, emotional processes and psychological development in general. 

But what happens in our minds during all these hours? Where do we go when we sleep and during dreaming-sleep? How is it that when we are asleep in REM state and our bodies are immobile, an innumerable amount of sensory stimuli unfold before us and appear as real as in waking life? The fascination about these questions led us to the grounding of The Dream Society to explore together the infinite realm of experiences that take place during sleep.

We will be holding a group exhibition, a Collective Dream Incubation Ritual, while offering different practices and activities open to the public related to healthy sacred sleep.

The Dream Society is proposed as a space and a practice that attempts to reclaim the function of sleep and dreaming as a vital resource of human experience, recovering its capacity to connect us with the domain of the immaterial, intuitive knowledge and expanded perception, among other things.

Carla Bertone & Eli Cornejo

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Affordable Art Fair Berlin 2024
11 - 14.04 2024

Thursday 11 April, 18:00 – 22:00

General admission:
Friday 12 April, 12:00 – 22:00
Saturday 13 April, 11:00 – 20:00
Sunday 14 April, 11:00 – 18:00

Arena Berlin, Eichenstraße 4, 12435, Berlin

Stand Mini



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Intermittent continuity
A collaboration between visual art: Carla Bertone & dance: Libertad Esmeralda Iocco

Ein Projekt von Die Körpergemeinschaft
Wilhelminenhofstraße 68a
12459 Berlin

Saturday 10th June 2023  6PM

“Inhaling, exhaling, looking, blinking, one foot in the air and the other on the ground to move forward. We experience these small intervals permanently, spaces of uncertainty in a cycle that seems to be continuous. Yet we do not perceive them at all. What happens in these subtle interstices that break the continuity?”

Free entry


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Looking for Connections
Reuterstr. 31, 12047 Berlin
May 2023

Group exhibition

Works by Juan Arata, Carla Bertone, Matias Brunacci, Maria Gutiérrez,Mario Martinelli, Lan Hungh, Kalma.
Events by Stephanie Fenner, Thomas Proksch, Gabriela Turano, Kacper Max Lubiewski,  Libertad Esmeralda Iocco.

Invited by Eli Cornejo & Juan Arata 


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Berlin Affordable Art Market #5
Paul-Linke-Ufer 44A 10999 Berlin

Opening day:  Friday 9th June 2023, 6 - 10 pm
Duration 9th - 11th June 2023

Opening hours 
Friday 6 - 10 pm
Sat & Sun 12 - 8 pm

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Personal appointments and inquires about available works at

I´ll be pleased to share a coffee or tea with you while talking about the motivations and concepts behind my latest works.

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Installation Eliana Heredia & Carla Bertone 
R17 Experimental Zone
Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 17, 10969 Berlin

On view 25.04 - 21.05.2022

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Original works on paper available on my online Shop

All works are original paintings signed by the artist on the back with signature and date of creation.
They are acrylic on acid-free and non-aging 300 g. paper 25 x 25 cm. unframed and include a certificate of authenticity.

Shipping cost and packaging in EU €10

For more info: info.carlabertone@gmail.com



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Online Art Fair at Artsy

Visit the booth HERE!

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Group show MM Gallery Buenos Aires
Rocamora 4559 2B- CABA

August 17th to October 15th 2021

Opemimg hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 16.00 to 19.00hs.
Appointments: + 54 911 4420 4939

Carla Bertone, Carolina Magnin, Carolina Simonelli, Jesu Antuña, Keiko Gonzalez, Luciana Levinton, Niño Grande, Pablo Sinaí
Curator: Marcos Kramer

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MM Gallery
Brunnenstr. 172 D
10119 Berlin

Soft opening Thursday June 17th 2021 18 hs.
Please take note of the requirements to allow a safe visit to our exhibition:
Maximum 15 visitors at the space wearing masks.





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MACBA Av. San Juan 328, Buenos Aires, Argentina

On view 06.03.2021- 30.08.2021

Curator Rodrigo Alonso

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Centro de Arte UNLP
Calle 48 nº 575 e/ 6 y 7
La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

On view 03.03.221 - 08.05.2021
Opening 26.02.2021 19 hs. ig live @centrodearteunlp

Artists: Diana Aisenberg, Carla Bertone, Florencia Bohtlingk, Claudia del Río, Verónica di Toro, Silvia Gurfein, Gachi Hasper, María Ibañez Lago, Catalina León, Mariana López, Valeria Maculan, Ad Minoliti, Déborah Pruden, Inés Raiteri, Leila Tschopp, Paola Vega.

"One hot afternoon in December 2008, Adriana Minoliti visited Paola Vega in her studio in Buenos Aires. As they talked and listened to the noise of passing trains, it came up to them to imagine how their ideal exhibition would be like, what works of art they would show, whom they could call to participate. They started to write some names on pieces of paper scattered on a table and thus the ideal exhibition gave rise to a list and this repertoire of names gave form to PintorAs. All women, painters, friends, teachers or colleagues.

In 2019 PintorAs celebrates ten years of self-management for the organization of exhibitions and activities around the exploration of the limits and possibilities of painting as a device. Its foundation coincided with a time in which the exhibitions had men as the main protagonists, the debate about the participation of women in the art world was timid (I would dare to say that it was almost non-existent) and the painting was resisted to be understood as a contemporary practice. With this panorama, the objectives of the group acquired almost epic proportions..."

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I don’t see anything as it is now
Laboratory about image
HilbertRaum, Reuterstr. 31, 12047 Berlin

Sat 24th Oct - 1st Nov 2020
Opening Friday 23rd October 2020, 6 - 10pm
Please take note of the requirements to allow a safe and responsible visit to our exhibition:
Maximum ten visitors at the space
Minimum distance 1.5 meters
Wearing mask

Carla Bertone, Lan Hung, Inés Pereyra, Janneke Raaphorst, Julio César Audisio, Eli Cornejo, Iván García.
Proposal and curation: Eli Cornejo and Julio César Audisio.

"He who looks outwards dreams; he who looks inwards wakes up"
Carl Jung

How to talk about images without having one already in mind? How to find the proper answer for such an infinite question? In order to know, one should be open to experiment. In order to experiment, we have created this laboratory - playground to deepen the questions: What is the image? Where are images created? What are the limits in the creation of an image? Can we escape from images?

In the frame of the European Month of Photography Berlin, we would like to open a space to think about and to feel the image. We open ourselves to experience, we open more questions, we propose for everyone to get their own answers.
This is an invitation for visitors to undertake a journey, to participate with the stations of the laboratory-playground at HilbertRaum and to open up to sensory stimuli.

Plan your visit for the opening and 1st weekend:

We will have different activities during the Laboratory, presented by invited collaborators, please follow us on instagram @hilbertraum and join the facebook event for daily updates: https://www.facebook.com/events/354684182533723


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Solo show at R17 Experimental Zone
Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 17 10969 Berlin

On view 18.08 - 25.09.2020
Opening 05.09 18 hs. The opening will take place wearing masks and keeping distance.



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March 2020
Art Department - Risiko Shows
EE UU 696, San Telmo, Buenos Aires

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Alte Feuerwache Weding Stockholmer Str 4, 13359 Berlin

"I love to create Images that seem to proof the existence of abstract Platonic entities and mathematical principles: that is the deepest Beauty of Geometry for me. When I work, I have the feeling as if the shapes and structures would come up for themselves, as they would have their own intrinsic order..."
Variations between 10 points is a Serie of 28 drawings on paper which explore different morphologic possibilities unveiling an underlying pattern compounded by 10 points.

Book your visit!

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Druids/Drones and Defects
Pavillom am Milhof, Schwedter Str. 232, 10435 Berlin

Opening 7th August 19.00 hs

 "Druids, Drones and Defects"

The "Focus On Abstracton" series presents pictorial statements on the subject of abstraction. For this ocation the individual works exemplify a wide variety of approachs to the issue and give an insight into the broad spectrum from non-figurative abstraction to the concrete.

Participating artists: Lucio Auri, George Barber, Silke Bartsch, Carla Bertone, Clara Brörmann, Heike Gallmeier, Sam Grigorian, Mani Hammer, Daniel Horns, Monika Jarecka, Susanne Young, Ilona Kalnoky, Heike Kelter, Daniel Klawitter, Alexander Klenz, Steffi Klenz, Jan Klopfleisch , Zora Cruiser, Marco Meiran, Katinka Pilscheur, Inken Reinert, Dionisia Salas, Carlos Silva, Andrea Van Reimersdahl, Bettina White.

Curated by George Barber, Alexander Klenz and Carlos Silva

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Past exhibition MULTIPLES
A project by Julio Artist-run Space at
Gallery 0fr Paris

Opening: Friday June 7th 5pm to 8pm
Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th June 2019: 10am to 8pm

Multiples is a three-day exhibition featuring 28 artists, curated by Julio Artist-run Space at the Gallery ofr.
It consists of limited edition and numbered pieces: editions, serigraphs, risographs, photographs, prints, sculptures, textiles.
An ideal and rare opportunity to acquire pieces of contemporary artists at affordable prices.

Gallery 0fr.
20 Rue Dupetit-Thouars, 75003 Paris

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Past exhibition AMIGxS, El Futuro ES Nuestro, PintorAs 10 years
Curated by Lara Marmor
USINA DEL ARTE, Buenos Aires
5th April 30th June 2019

Celebrating this journey PintorAs presents: Amigxs, el futuro es nuestro. Diez años de pintorAs.

Artists: Diana Aisenberg, Carla Bertone, Florencia Bohtlingk, Claudia del Río, Verónica di Toro, Silvia Gurfein, Gachi Hasper, María Ibañez Lago, Catalina León, Mariana López, Valeria Maculan, Ad Minoliti, Déborah Pruden, Inés Raiteri, Leila Tschopp, Paola Vega.

"One hot afternoon in December 2008, Adriana Minoliti visited Paola Vega in her studio in Buenos Aires. As they talked and listened to the noise of passing trains, it came up to them to imagine how their ideal exhibition would be like, what works of art they would show, whom they could call to participate. They started to write some names on pieces of paper scattered on a table and thus the ideal exhibition gave rise to a list and this repertoire of names gave form to PintorAs. All women, painters, friends, teachers or colleagues.

In 2019 PintorAs celebrates ten years of self-management for the organization of exhibitions and activities around the exploration of the limits and possibilities of painting as a device. Its foundation coincided with a time in which the exhibitions had men as the main protagonists, the debate about the participation of women in the art world was timid (I would dare to say that it was almost non-existent) and the painting was resisted to be understood as a contemporary practice. With this panorama, the objectives of the group acquired almost epic proportions..."

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curated by Guillermina Mongan
22nd March 9th June 2019
MACBA Buenos Aires

"Iterations on the no-same thing" is an investigation about movement and interpretation presented in two instances: the first one, composed of a selection of works from the MACBA collection developed into a score / notation of twelve mobile instances that will be "read corporally" by interpreters, and a second instance composed of works by contemporary guest artists, who delve into these two axes, like a large set of footnotes."Iterations on the no-same thing" is an investigation about movement and interpretation presented in two instances: the first one, composed of a selection of works from the MACBA collection developed into a score / notation of twelve mobile instances that will be "read corporally" by interpreters, and a second instance composed of works by contemporary guest artists, who delve into these two axes, like a large set of footnotes.

Research team:

Miguel Garutti. Musician and researcher
Gonzalo Lagos. Dancer and independent curator
Jorgelina Mongan. Choreographer and dancer
Marie Bardet Researcher in dance and philosophy

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Past exhibition DIFFRACTIONS
16th March to 13th April 2019
Galerie Patricia Dorfmann Paris

La Galerie Patricia Dorfmann accueille l’exposition/ DIFFRACTIONS
16 mars au 13 avril / mardi - samedi 14h/19h
61, rue de la Verrerie 75004 Paris

Une proposition de :
Julio artist-run space une structure indépendante.
Créée par María Ibáñez Lago & Constanza Piaggio ( Space in Progress)

L'exposition participe du programme VIP d’Art Paris 2019 que souligne la présence sud-américaine à Paris.

5 artistes sud-américains:
Carla Bertone
Valentina Canseco
Martín Kaulen Luks
Valeria Maculan
Juan Stoppani

Vernissage samedi 16 mars de 16h à 20h, en présence des artistes, Carla Bertone, Valentina Canseco, Martín Kaulen, Valeria Maculán et des commissaires, Maria Ibanez Lago & Constanza Piaggio.

Invité par la Galerie Patricia Dorfmann, Julio présente le travail de cinq artistes aux racines latino-américaines vivant ou ayant vécu en Europe.

Ces cinq artistes ont une approche particulière à l’abstraction géométrique, tradition ancrée dans l’art latino-américain. La pluralité de ses regards crée un panorama diffracté, il se révèle une pluralité d’intentions se tenant derrière d’apparentes similitudes formelles. Par diffraction la lumière se décompose en couleurs pures, et on associe à ce phénomène des schémas géométriques qui font partie de l’imaginaire collectif. Mais aussi, un regard diffractif sur le monde implique un déplacement par rapport à l’axe habituel d’observation. Il nous intéresse d’aller au delà des géométries visibles pour dévoiler les différents points de vue qui ont donné l’impulsion à la démarche de chacun de ses artistes.

Plus d'info: http://spaceinprogress.com/works/exposition-diffractions/

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