The Dream Society
Exhibition, practices and activities related to the topics of sleep and dreaming

Works by 
Carla Bertone, Eli Cornejo, Kalma, Emilia Kubacki, Zinu Kim, Aida Lalua, Luz Peuscovich

Activations by
Alicia Morán,  Rosario Diaz Roigt,  Afonso Matos, Lea Kiefer, Azahara Gomez, Carina Goepfert, Carla Ortiz Rocha, Rocio Marano, Silan Derin.

Enkoimesis I & II
Collective Dreaming Incubation Ritual, Closed group guided by Eli Cornejo

Concept and curation by Eli Cornejo & Carla Bertone



ONGOING BLACK ROOM //  Nap to lucid dream meditation. Dr. Clare Johnson. 12 minutes.


Friday 17th May
// Once Upon a Dream 7 - 9 pm
Reading performance with Alicia Morán,  Rosario Diaz Roigt and Afonso Matos

Bedtime stories: Where do they come from, and what feelings do they bring? Stories from different cultures, legends, poetry and lullabies will be part of a performance accompanied by the dreamy sound of harp.


 Saturday 18th May 
// See your Mind 3 - 4.30 pm
Tarot reading for dream interpretations, by Zinu Kim 

Visitors can ask questions and the artist will use Tarot cards to read their thoughts, clarify their dreams and provide answers.

// Sci-Fi Anatomy Underwater world 5.30 - 7 pm
Workshop by Lea Kiefer 

A guided somatic trip where the content slides from anatomical references onto the slippery slope of science fiction with no holding back. This workshop  focuses on creating a dialogue between the matter of the body and the sea of our thoughts and imagination. Through movement, sounds and words. Working with casual epicness, craftsmanship of the body and magic. SFA narratives often manifest in a post-apocalyptic future somewhere in the deep sea of the universe.


Sunday 19th May  

// DIY Dream catcher  3 - 4 pm
Workshop for children and families by Azahara Gomez
Join us for a fun workshop where we'll make beautiful Dream Catchers to hunt those pesky nightmares and leave them behind, for only allowing the sweetest dreams to unfold. You'll create your Dream Catcher using branches,  feel free to bring your own stones and beads for a special touch!


// Conscious into Subconscious 5 - 6:30 pm
Guided journey through hypnosis by Carina Goepfert

A guided journey into your subconscious through hypnosis techniques to dive in dream-like worlds to enhance our fantasy. Kids are welcome!  


// Enkoimesis I 9 pm
Collective Dream Incubation Ritual

Closed group guided by Eli Cornejo

Inspired by the ancient Greek practice of dreaming Incubation, a ritual will be celebrated for recalling the power of our dreams in order to receive inspiration and guidance depending on our present situation. 

Friday 24th May

// Lucid Dreaming: a pathway to astral projection 5:30 pm
Online: Talk on Streaming by Carla  Ortiz Rocha
In this talk, Carla Ortiz Rocha will share about her personal experiences of waking up while dreaming and different techniques she uses to achieve this particular state of awareness. Also, how this practice allowed her to go further into astral projection and how this has led her in deep subconscious healing.


Saturday 25th May 

// Yawning as an eco-somatic practice 5 - 7 pm
Workshop by Rocio Marano // Registrations:

We will explore the borderland between rest and the subconscious by embracing yawning as an eco-somatic practice. Through kinesthetic awareness and gentle touch, we tap into the body's innate unwinding potential, fostering an empathic presence that may facilitate each other on a journey into altered states of consciousness reminiscent of dreaming.

// Enkoimesis II
Collective Dream Incubation Ritual 9 pm

Closed group guided by Eli Cornejo.

Sunday 26th May  

//  Breathwork & Hypnotic infusion circle 3 - 4 pm

Workshop by Silan Derin
Breathwork & Hypnotic infusion circles are about weaving and unweaving through certain techniques that allow us to dive into the unknown.


// Psychomagic: Rewrite your nightmares and embrace your dreams 5 - 6:30 pm

Workshop by Alicia Morán / Registrations
What is real? What do we dream or what do we live? So if both worlds are entwined, how can we talk to our unconscious to change our reality?

In this 1.30 hr workshop, we will talk through creative writing to our unconscious to leave in it what really does us good: we will rewrite our nightmares, we will transfer our dreams to life. We will remember that the power is ours: our narratives.




Carla Bertone Bachelor in Visual Arts, IUNA Buenos Aires 2004, lives and works in Berlin since 2013. Among her solo shows are Patterns of a possible reality, MM Gallery, Berlin, 2021 and Argentine Embassy in Berlin, 2020; Diamantenwald, R17 Experimental Zone, Berlin, 2020. She has participated in many group shows among them Looking for Connections, HilbertRaum, Berlin, 2023; Neo Post, MACBA, Buenos Aires, 2021; PintorAs, a more than ten years story, Centro de Arte UNLP, La Plata, Argentine, 2021; Carla was shortlisted for the 6 Internationaler André Evard Preis, Kunsthalle Messmer, Riegel, 2022.  She was awarded a NEUSTART KULTUR-Stipendium, Stiftung Kunstfonds 2022. Her practice is focused on Geometric Abstraction understood as a cognitive process.  | @carla_bertone_

Eli Cornejo is a photographer-visual artist, cultural manager and ritual practitioner. Her work and life get mixed through her projects and life interests, where sometimes they come together in the shape of an art work, participatory projects- events- artists in residency programs, like The Laboratory about Image; Living Temple, artistic research about rituals, Looking for connections, among others. Using art as a tool to recall our wisdom, as truth keeper, as medicine. Since 2016 she has been part of HilbertRaum, a self organized non profit project-space in Neukölln, Berlin. | @_elicornejo 

Kalma Audiovisual artist based in Berlin that implements real-time processes to create Immersive installations, light sculptures and audiovisual performances. Each live act is an unrepeatable experience where the artistic improvisation leads to the exploration of uncharted creative territories.Restless and constantly striving for innovation and reinvention, her signature is undoubtedly the profound synaesthesia between the soundscape and her visual structure.

She has been performing for over a decade in arts festivals, clubs and events around Europe such as Contemporary Performing Arts of Glastonbury (UK), Future Soundscapes Festival (Silent Green Berlin), ScreenCityBiennial (Stavanger), Lummix Light Festival (Bulgaria), Laptoprus (Madrid), Transmediale Vorspiel, Superbooth, Kasseler Dokfest (Germany), B-seite Festival (Manheim), Intonal (Malmö), LeGuessWho (Utrech)  | @kalma_la

Zinu Kim is a Berlin based Korean artist. He was born and grew up in Seoul, South Korea. He majored in Asian Painting at Seoul National University before studying Painting at HFBK Hamburg, Germany. He mainly works on painting, and sometimes combines with installation and performance. As he is trained in both Korean and European painting, he explores both traditions, somewhere between them or in a new realm. He is interested in religion and spirituality. Religious symbols, spiritual images and symbols of dream often appear in his paintings. Kim visualizes these themes in combination with his fairy tale colors and images, creating an artistic world in his narrative language. | @zinu__kim

Emilia Kubacki is a Berlin based artist, born in Rybnik, Poland. Magister 2011 Literature / History Leibniz Universität Hannover Volontariat 2011 - 2013 Kunstverein Hannover Bachelor “Fine Arts” 2013 - 2018 HfbK Hamburg in the classes: Anselm Reyle Gregor Hildebrandt, Thilo Heinzmann. 

In her work she seeks a balance between opposites, such as illusion and reality, the inner and outer “landscape”, holding on and letting go.  | @emilia.kubacki 

Aida Lalua is an artist, illustrator and graphic designer born in Gran Canaria Island, Spain, living and working in Berlin. She is always exploring and looking for new challenges to not limit herself, related to arts, design, techniques and technologies. | @aidalalua

Luz Peuscovich is an argentinian artist, astrologer and alchemist living and working in Berlin. Currently I feel actively working on research at the intersection between art and science, I seek that each of my works is a symbol, simple and easy to understand for non-expert visitors. I am not interested in purely conceptual art, but in the art of experience. I am interested in the relationship with nature, that the works are excuses to be able to connect and perceive in a new way, either looking upwards, towards the stars, or looking downwards, towards the earth and minerals


Alicia Morán (Badajoz, 1992) is a poet, cultural manager, and workshop facilitator. She guides people to give a voice to their unconscious and create text or find their passions and hobbies.  | @aliciavandeti  | @creatilibera 

Rosario Díaz Roigt is an argentinian artist and graphic designer for films. Her work involves movement, sound and color: illustration, poetry and animation. | @avantrosi 

Afonso Matos Born in Sintra (1998), studied history and literature in Lisbon and London. Lives in Berlin.  |  @totochabo1

Lea  Kiefer is a performer, dancer, costume designer and scenographer. Her work explores the dialogue between imagination and physicality in hybrid transdisciplinary formats. Over the years she has developed her solo practice MELUZINE THE COSMIC MERMAID and SCI FI ANATOMY, a somatic and performative storytelling practice presented in a series of hybrid workshops.

@lk.leakieffer  |

Azahara Gomez is  a creative soul from sunny southern Spain. Officially a psychologist, but secretly loves art and creating things with her hands.

Carina Göpfert is a holistic bodyworker, hypnosis therapist and moon mother. She mixes all her knowledge and experiences through her long-term practice in her individual treatments called Carina Therapie. She is an expert to show you your personal comfort zone.  |  | @carina_therapy

Carla Ortiz Rocha has been studying Tarot since 1995. Today she is rooted in its therapeutic approach, teaching it and giving sessions, as well as different collective activities regarding the occult. She intertwines her accompaniment transversally with different complementary disciplines such as practices of self-knowledge through Hindustani and Carnatic music, dance (Bharatanatyam), yoga and meditation. She is an independent editor, translator and an entrepreneur.  | @quirotarot

Şilan Derin works as a psychotherapist, clinical hypnotherapist and breathworker. Furthermore, she is a psychoanalyst in training. Her approach derives from her studies in psychology, somatic approaches, wisdom keepers and nature. As a passionate and curious multilingual psychotherapist she loves learning, exploring and studying in depth.  | @silan__m

Rocio Marano is a dancer, choreographer and movement researcher who combines different transdisciplinary fields. She is training in craniosacral therapy and interested in incorporating it into her artistic work and workshops.  |  |  @rocigmm


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